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How Much Chiropractic Care Do I Need?

woman at desk low back painMore often than not, patients have no idea that every function and every part of the body is controlled by nerves carrying controlling signals from the brain. Chiropractic helps much more than pain. Symptoms usually decrease within a few to several visits, once vertebrae are aligned and nerves are no longer pinched. Some patients feel relief right away.

Various types of treatment plans are available. Relief Care, Preventive Care, Corrective Care, Maintenance Care. Each will be explained so the patient can determine what is best for their life situation. There is no need to decide on the first visit. Future health conditions are influenced by these decisions, which should only be made after serious consideration of what has been taught.

At Pollard Chiropractic Clinic, all your questions and concerns will be addressed by Dr. Pollard. The findings of your diagnostic work up will be shown to you and explained. Recommendations will be given based upon your specific and unique situation, including the severity of your condition, daily activities, and more.


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